This project is 3-days old (12h30m). We've worked on it on stream. The entire process of making it can be followed here : click_me

I'll let you explore what the game can currently do. It would be interesting to see how you handle it without instructions first.

Think about looking for tooltips (some exist, some don't, some are broken. But they can help slightly).

 Then here is a list of instructions regarding the content of the game. 

→ The game is governed by the time passing by seasons (and years). The main mechanic of the game is to chose what you want to do during the next season. 
→→ Your task is represented in the top left corner at the moment.
→→ The button to pass time is a the bottom right.

→ Your character is defined by various stats : their skill levels and their reputation.
→→In the skill book you can find your 2 basic techniques : internal & external understanding of martial arts. While they are useless now, they will be used to perform better in other mechanics
→→The reputation (Faction) is in a very early state yet. Most of the content in there is lingering prototyping. The idea is that performing tasks for the faction will grant reputation (which will grant rewards and unlock access to some features)

→ So far we only have the basics working. It's not a game per say, but things are coming together pretty nicely. 

Published 26 days ago

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