Controls : Just click on area icons to loot it (increasing the score by 1). When you loot an area, it generates noise and attracts the attention of the Vampire (Which is represented by the red-ness of the icon.) Prioritise looting calm areas to avoid getting caught. 

The Vampire is moving around its lair, make sure to not loot near it as it may attract its attention way faster.

Also there's a proximity system. When you loot an area, a bit of noise is generated in the areas on the side.


Stream link to watch the process of making this game : here

Contributors : 

→ Novisiononme

We took 2hours for this one, but it's fine. I just wanted to chill tonight :D

Published 5 days ago


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nice game

Thanks !

(1 edit) (+1)

slow and steady

Ye lol, I figured out a very a patient one could get a huge score x)
Didn't manage to do it myself tho


My high score: 124!


Jump scare got me the first time lol! Pretty unique idea! Lots of potential. I found the best strategy was clicking each room twice before moving to the next (and also listening to the hints).


Jesus christ the jumpscare got me so bad LMAO


Second Try!